Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Noah Burke Comedy Facebook Page Quotes

1. You know how I know I'm a tough guy!?; It's because at the gym where I put the pin in, the paint isn't chipped! #toughguythoughts #masculinesociety

2.  The middle-east must be awesome to drive in; zero Asians and women aren't allowed to drive! Oh wait, road-side bombs and check points; I'll take Asians and women.

3.  Watching the ESPYs... did they really just give the guy in a wheelchair a standing ovation? Way to rub it in jerks! Great new award though. Pat Tillman was the man! #PatTillmanaward

4.  It's so funny to see adults do fist-bumps to kids with the exploding hand. The cool kids have moved on to coke-bumps; get with times uncool adults!

5. I don't want to sound weird but they're making some sexy manikins these days. Is manikin technology getting better, or do I just need a girlfriend? #mallboners

6.  Sometimes I like to check my muscles out in the mirror; and today I stubbed my toe immediately after; I'm pretty sure that is the universe calling me a fag!
(No offense by the f-word.)

7.  I just found out that the Nazi's used tickling to torture people. That's probably the most cute thing I ever heard about the Nazis; actually, there really aren't any other cute things about them.